









By the end of the nineteenth century, several faculty-sponsored clubs on the San José Normal School campus were devoted to the study of speech 和 drama, particularly the Sappho Society, Erosophian Society, Shakespearean Club, Young Men's Normal Debating 和艾伦修辞学会. 课外戏剧制作 activities of these societies 和 clubs preceded 和, in part, justified formal curricular 培训. 任何戏剧制作,戏剧娱乐,甚至电影的历史 production must begin with a record of these dramatic activities on the college campus. During the first two decades of the twentieth century, the level of extracurricular dramatic activity was unequaled by extracurricular activity in any other area of the 大学,包括体育.



The theatrical activities of the early decades (1898-1927) often took the form of dramatic readings, variety shows, pageants for special occasions, or a series of “acts” 由社团介绍. 这是我们发现的第一个有记录的证据 戏剧制作是莎士比亚的 《菠菜网lol正规平台》 由萨福协会在1898年,或者更可能是1899年,在校园上演. 莎孚的 Society, which evolved into the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, was a social club devoted 对文学艺术的研究. 成立于1898年,它制作了一个版本的 仲夏 作为它最初的活动之一. 这部作品由此开启了现场戏剧的历史 最后在圣何塞州立大学学习电子和电影艺术.

从1899年6月开始 正常的三角旗 (9):

萨福俱乐部捐款 仲夏夜之梦. 这个学期的工作的一个令人愉快的特点是娱乐 . . . 在周五 6月9日晚上,在Normal Hall. 这出聪明有趣的闹剧正在排练 为了这个场合. 入场费十五美分,大家都欢迎.


A second literary society, the Erosophian, which would later become Alpha Phi Sorority, 莎士比亚的产生 皆大欢喜 in 1906. This society drama was probably the first campus production to achieve significant 可见性. 在演出的前几天,北京发生了大地震 1906 devastated the campus 和 destroyed many of the buildings, including the building 演出将在其中进行.


哲学文学协会成立于1900年春. 早在1906年, 该协会决定捐赠 皆大欢喜 作为毕业典礼周庆祝活动的一部分. 然后地震来了! We 我们没有房子. 所有活动停止. 课程在培训中举行 学校建筑. 我们非常拥挤. 一些课在草坪上举行. We 放弃了给予的想法 皆大欢喜. There was no place to practice, 和 we had no heart for it if there had been. 但 President Dailey insisted that all activities go on as usual in order to keep up the 学校的士气. 为了使他高兴,我们决定把戏继续演下去. 为演唱会彩排 发生在我家的后院,南第二街435号. 搭建了一个舞台 在草坪上,在演出前一周. 最后, 当你 喜欢它 was twice successfully given, in spite of the fact that the electricity went off 在晚间演出期间. 威尔逊教授终于让它重新运转起来了. 之一 我的宝贝是一张穿着戏服的球员的照片. (pp. 75-76)


1889 仲夏夜之梦,萨福社,导演不详
1900 谁是谁,还是迷雾中的一切, 不知道,丹尼尔斯小姐 
1902年模拟审判, 未知,吟游诗人表演
1903 试穿一下, 不知名的格特鲁德·佩恩
1904 一个错误的建议, 未知,导演未知
1905 与传教士共度良宵, 未知,导演未知
1906 皆大欢喜, 哲人会,导演不详
1907 汤米的妻子, 戏剧俱乐部,第一部作品
1909 去毛罗, 正常的戏剧,拉森小姐
1910 睡美人, 戏剧社,导演不详
1911 提洛尔人的女王, 戏剧社,导演不详
1912 鞋匠精灵, 《lol菠菜网正规平台》,格特鲁德·佩恩
1912 威尼斯商人, 戏剧协会,戴维斯小姐
1912 圣诞颂歌, 《菠菜网lol正规平台》,亨利. 平淡无奇 
1913 在先锋队, 戏剧社,导演不详
1914 蚱蜢和蚂蚁, 高年级班,布拉德利小姐
1915 集市的愚行,**男子合唱团,导演不详
1915 霍元甲小姐, 不知道,米勒小姐
1916 固执的杰拉尔丁, 未知,导演未知
1916 加州历史, 未知,福利盛会
1918 先锋、高年级游行
1919 加州, 高三班,伍德小姐

*After 1917 hundreds of productions are listed in the departmental booklet called 戏剧制作1898-1962 在Hugh W. 吉利斯说 圣约瑟州立学院演讲和戏剧专业




The literary societies soon gave way to clubs specifically devoted to dramatic production, 和 in 1909 the first Normal Dramatic Society was established under the leadership 弗洛伦斯·拉尔森小姐的会员有三十人,其中包括六名男性. 在第一个 今年俱乐部出了三部独幕剧. 其中之一, 去毛罗, was staged by dividing the club into three sections 和 repeating the play in three 风格. 第二年,俱乐部更名为戏剧协会. 拉尔森的 继任者是英语教师格特鲁德·佩恩和后来的布朗博士. 亨利·米德·布兰德. In 1912, under 平淡无奇's supervision, a yearlong project began to select 和 produce a gr和 Christmas production chosen from “Greek, Mission, Shakespeare, or Dickens 戏剧.最后的选择是查尔斯·狄更斯的 圣诞颂歌 有场景和对话.


A dramatic society functi一个d intermittently at various periods of the school's history. 1912年,该协会演出了一些现代化的莎士比亚戏剧. 1921年 on new life, was called The Masque 和关键, 和 presented some creditable dramas. Dramatic productions have always played a large part in the life of the school, but have not always been the output of the Dramatic Society, which for 一个 reason or another 直到最近才有了坚实的基础吗.

In the SJNS yearbook, an exuberant “Mamie” pens what is possibly the first drama review 1912年6月在校园里

A dramatic society was organized last September under the leadership of Letitia Bernhardt—you 还记得她吗? 学生和教师对……都很感兴趣 该组织. 佩恩小姐,布拉德利小姐和麦肯齐小姐都欣然同意了 监督各项事业. 虽然已经取得了很大的成就,所以 they tell me, within the society, no production has been placed before the school. 然而,我们下学期正在计划一些很好的事情. 也许你知道一些 of the officers, President, Vera Silvey; Vice-President, Gertrude Pyle; Secretary, Grace Sanbourn; Treasurer, Eliza Wright; Reporter, Hazel Clayton; Sergeant at Arms, 桃金娘Loughridge.

校友们在晚上表演了一场精彩的歌舞杂耍. 这真的很令人惊讶 过去和现在的SJNS人所拥有的才能! 他们不会被打败的! I don't care if you are going to a different school, Betsy, I simply can't help telling 真相.


The Dramatic Society became temporarily defunct in 1914 because of “no help from students,” 但在第二年恢复并举行公开选拔赛. 复兴是由于 greatly welcomed return of Gertrude Payne, who had been on sabbatical for a year of 在波士顿表达学院继续学习. 然而,似乎有 be a gap of some years (the World War I years) when no organization existed. In 1921, the club was reactivated 和 presented a series of skits 和 an “entertainment” in 向来自奇科州立大学的一群访客致敬. 俱乐部又改了名字 第二年,这次以假面和钥匙,并制作 绿色的长筒袜在奥洛克小姐的指导下. 这是演出的第一部主要作品 在莫里斯戴利礼堂新建的舞台上.

Virginia S和erson (about whom much more will be written later) joined the English 1922年成为该系教师,并成为假面和钥匙学院的院长. “戏剧 现在有了一个戏剧性的教练. 新的公共演讲老师桑德斯小姐(原文如此)是 right in touch with everything that is new in the line of play production,” stated 学生报纸. 桑德森承诺每学期《lol菠菜网正规平台》都会有大制作 和关键.



In April 1924, 该组织's name was changed once again, this time to the San José Players, a title that it carried for more than fifty years until its dissolution 在80年代末. 面具和钥匙是为内部的一个荣誉团体保留的头衔 球员们. 球员小组由十个特许成员组成. 会员是 open to all students through written or oral 预赛s in lighting, costuming, stagecraft, 戏剧舞蹈、哑剧、戏剧音乐和舞台指导. 到1928年,超过200人 学生们获得了会员资格,只有7人被列为“朽木”.“第一个 1924年的《菠菜网lol正规平台》是康斯坦斯·斯梅德利的短剧, 贝儿和博.

每周的玩家会议都是强制性的. 两次无故缺席 was cause for automatic dismissal with reinstatement possible only through a second 预赛. The group was enthusiastic 和 included most of the leaders in college life, 甚至包括学生会干事和运动员. 获得的过程非常正式 membership (names of successful auditi一个es were kept rigidly secret until announced to the individuals by telegram); an impressive initiation ceremony conferred “pledgeship,” which continued for 一个 year; a further ceremony conferred full membership.


It's a wonder that the San José Players have not suffered a great dearth of leading 男人们或者是戏剧组织中为数不多的优秀演员的罢工. 当然,如果很多人 more 戏剧 are produced which bear in the title such uncomplimentary 和 derogatory 典故是 傻瓜,稻草人, or 可怜的坚果,这样的罢工可能会发生在冠军角色球员. 为了挽救局面,球员们 应该产生,比如说, 琼斯皇帝 或者是 的崇拜对象. 不过我更期待的是 老泡浴 和 爱炫耀的.

During the 1925-26 academic year, Viola Mae Powell acted as advisor 和 coach while 弗吉尼亚·桑德森曾在欧洲学习. 她一回来,桑德森就重新掌权了 直到1930年休. 吉利斯成为了教务顾问.



A Players’ project, somewhat pi一个ering in nature, was the making of a film in the 1929年夏天. A sum of m一个y had been inherited by 一个 of 球员们 who was interested in this particular dramatic medium, 和 about twenty-five Players went “on location” 工作了三个星期,制作了一部西部片 帆船黄金. This film was shown not only on campus but also in a downtown theatre 和 soon earned 超过了它的成本.